Monday, 18 June 2012

For tea time?

Do you know what fruit is this?

No idea...........

The fruit has a starchy texture and fragrance that tends to remain 
about the fresh baked bread. The nutritious fruit and the 
seeds are edible. 
 Low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium and very high in 
Vitamin C, Dietary Fiber and Potassium. 
The nutritional value of it helps you to maintain optimum health. Has been considered as a nutritionally beneficial fruit. A large amount of nutrients and useful calories can be obtained by eating this fruit.
Very rich in healthy Omega fats.

 The fruits are usually cooked (boiled, baked, roasted or fried)

Let me introduce this fruit:-

Scientific name: Artocarpus altilis
Synonym: Artocarpus communis
Artocarpus incisa
English: Breadfruit
Dutch: Broodboom
Spanish: Árbol del pan
French: Arbre a pain
German: Brotfruchtbaum
Italian: Artocarpo
Albero del pane
Malay: Sukun

Thus, in Malaysia we called as Sukun.
I bought this fruit yesterday on my way back from my parents' house (Johore). Since it is sukun's season, so you can easily get this fruit especially if you passed by kampung (village) area.

 Well, sukun/ breadfruit chips are ready to eat + tea (teh O)
for my tea time today:) 
Actually, this is the simplest one to prepare. 

Sukun/ Breadfruit Chips

  • Breadfruit as required
  • Salt as required
  • Oil as required.

  1. Firstly, peel off the skin. Cut the breadfruit into very thin slices.
  2. Soak the fruit in salt water until all the excess starch is removed from the fruit.
  3. Heat the pan with oil, fry slices in the hot oil until they are crisp on the outside and slightly brown.
  4. Next, place them on a plate. Eat while still warm.

Have a Nice Monday:)

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